How to changes all account mail quota on ZImbra
For single account
– You need to login as zimbra user
#su zimbra
– then find out how musch is your account quota
$ zmprov ga
| grep zimbraMailQuota
zimbraMailQuota: 104857600
104857600 is bytes it is comes from 1 MB = 1024 1 kb = 1024 byte So
100 MB = 1024 * 1024 * 100 = 104857600 Bytes
to changes the quota from 100 mb to 1 gb
$ zmprov ma
zimbraMailQuota 1048576000
now checked it
$ zmprov ga | grep zimbraMailQuota
zimbraMailQuota: 1048576000
For all user account
We can also changes all of the mail account quota or even length of password on Class of service (CoS), and this time it is easier to use zimbra admin gui, go to your zimbra admin gui at and login with your username and password
go to Class of service option on the left side
you will see kind of cos there , by default there are only default cos
You can create or copy another cos then assigned the user to use your new cos. , go to Accounts -> clicked the account / edit -> look om the General Information -> Account Setup -> Class of service:
Back to COS setting, after we clicked default. It should show this
go to advanced to set the mail account quota, there are other option that you can set also such as
– Attachment Settings
– Password
– Failed Login Policy
– Timeout Policy
– Email Retention Policy
Now all of your account under COS : default quota has been changes