Dec 20

Hi it has been along time since my last blog, i found this usefull script on this forum I just want to share it 🙂

just go to your shell and create files

# vim

and type this



#Directory to search

#Set frequency of command in minutes, this should match how often you run the cron job

#email address for mailing the results

#Create datestamp for subject line
#This makes each subject line unique to prevent message collapsing in Gmail
myDate=`date +%y-%m-%d`
myTime=`date +%H:%M`

#Test if files have been edited
fileCount=`find $myDir -mmin $myFrequency -type f | wc -l`
if [ $fileCount -gt 0 ]
#Write the subject line and set correct form of the word “files” (singular or plural)
if [ $fileCount -eq 1 ]
mySubject=”Attention! $fileCount File Modified on $myDate at $myTime”
mySubject=”Attention! $fileCount Files Modified on $myDate at $myTime”

#execute find command and email the results
find $myDir -mmin $myFrequency -type f | mail -s “$mySubject” $myEmail
#else nothing happens


then save it chmod 755 and run it (./

or you can create crontab to run every 30 minute

# crontab -e

*/30 * * * * /root/

Mar 17

Url Referer :

Bash Short Cuts( Hotkeys)

Ctrl + A

Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on

Ctrl + E

Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on

Ctrl + L

Clears the Screen, similar to the clear command

Ctrl + U

Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line.

Ctrl + H

Same as backspace

Ctrl + R

Let’s you search through previously used commands

Ctrl + C

Kill whatever you are running

Ctrl + D

Exit the current shell

Ctrl + Z

Puts whatever you are running into a suspended background process. fg restores it.

Ctrl + W

Delete the word before the cursor

Ctrl + K

Clear the line after the cursor

Ctrl + T

Swap the last two characters before the cursor

Esc + T

Swap the last two words before the cursor

Alt + F

Move cursor forward one word on the current line

Alt + B

Move cursor backward one word on the current line


Auto-complete files and folder names

command to find files with permission 777

find / -perm 000777 -print | more -> to search the whole directory

find . -perm 000777 -print | more -> to search the current directory