Jan 10

What is Webalizer ?

Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program. It produces highly detailed, easily configurable usage reports in HTML format, for viewing with a standard web browser. It was written to solve several problems with currently available analysis packages. A vast majority of them were written in Perl or some other scripting language, and took forever to run. Some were not free. Some even produced wrong results, or results that were not in a useful format.

Webalizer features

  • It is written in C to be extremely fast and highly portable. On a 200 MHz Pentium machine, over 10,000 records can be processed in one second, with a 40 Megabyte file taking roughly 15 seconds (over 150,000 records).
  • Supports standard Common log file Format server logs. In addition, several variations of the combined log file Format are supported, allowing statistics to be generated for referring sites and browser types as well. Now also has native support for wu-ftpd xferlog FTP and squid log formats as well.
  • Generated reports can be configured from the command line, or by use of one or more configuration files. Detailed information on configuration options can be found in the README file, supplied with all distributions.
  • Supports multiple languages. Currently, Catalan, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian are available.
  • Unlimited log file sizes and partial logs are supported, allowing logs to be rotated as often as needed, and eliminating the need to keep huge monthly files on the system.
  • Distributed under the GNU General Public License, complete source code is available as well as binary distributions for some of the more popular platforms.


 I assume you have apache / httpd installed now we just need to install the webalizer, and we can do it using yum or compile the sourcode. Let’s start by compile it through source code.

Installing through sourcecode

1. First we need to download the webalizer sourcode first

wget ftp://ftp.mrunix.net/pub/webalizer/webalizer-2.20-01-src.tgz

2. Then we need to uncompress it

 tar zxvf webalizer-2.20-01-src.tgz

 3. Makesure you have gcc compiler and Gd library installed, you can installed it using yum

 yum install gcc gcc-c++ gd-devel

4.. Then we go to webalizer-2.20-01 directory , compile and install it

 cd webalizer-2.20-01
 make instal

 It is installed and you can checked the version now

webalizer --version
Webalizer V2.20-01 (Linux 2.6.18-92.1.1.el5.028stab057.2 i686) English

Installing with YUM

1. Just run the yum install  command

yum -y install webalizer

it should install the webalizer but the version are more old that the sourcode version, the yum webalizer version was webalizer 2.01_10-25 

How to configure it

1. Create a central directory for the webalizer configuration files

mkdir /etc/webalizer

2. Create two webalizer configuration files, a.example.conf from the
sample file and put it into /etc/webalizer directory. You need to locate the webalizer.conf.sample files and copy it to /etc/webalizer directory

cp /usr/local/etc/webalizer.conf.sample  /etc/webalizer/a.example.com.conf


3. Modify LogFile, OutputDir and HostName of the  webalizer config files. For example, for a.example.com.conf


vi /etc/webalizer/a.example.com.conf
and changes the content

LogFile /var/log/httpd/access_log
LogFile /var/log/httpd/access_log_1  # it depend on your httpd access_log you  can search it on /var/log/httpd/ directory
OutputDir /var/www/usage/a into OutputDir  /home/praetorian-id.org/public_html/webalizer  # it depend on your  apache virtual directory that you set on httpd.conf (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf)

HostName       localhost  into

HostName       praetorian-id.org  # it depend on your web hostname 

Note:You may want to specify other settings specific to the domain, such as HideReferrer, HideSite, etc.

4. To process all the virtual sites, run the following command:

# for i in /etc/webalizer/*.conf; do webalizer -c $i; done

Now you can see the webalizer files on your site, example :



How to set Webalizer on multiple virtual domain :

Tha above tutorial are to set the webalizer for singel domain, how about if  you needed to create webalizer for multiple domain ? , you need to makesure that you have create custom log on your every virtual domain setting on httpd.conf it is usually on /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf , here is the eample :

    ServerName test.com
    ServerAlias www.test.com
    DocumentRoot "/home/domains/test.com/htdocs"
    CustomLog "/home/domains/test.com/logs/access_log" common

as you can see above, i set the custom log on /home/domains/test.com/logs/access_log , please also make sure you have create the  /home/domains/test.com/logs directory and set  the permission was set for  domains users

-rw-r--r-- 1 domains users 677485 Jan  7 19:55 access_log


then set the log path on your webalizer conf on /etc/webalizer/

# vi /etc/webalizer/test.conf

LogFile         /home/domains/test.com/logs/access_log


then set it per virtual domain that you have 🙂

and last thing ,  restart the httpd , if you are using rpm

# service httpd restart

if using httpd source binary, checked the apache process on ps aux

# ps aux | grep daemon

daemon   10523  0.0  0.0  21556  8704 ?   S    20:07   0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd

the apache was installed on /usr/local/apache find the apachectl on /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl and restart it

# /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart

You should see the size of the access_logs on /home/domains/test.com/logs/access_log increase , if not checked the permission and webalizer config on /etc/webalizer/test.com.conf

 Do not forget to add cron so the webalizer can be udpated automaticly

#crontab -e

1 * * * * /root/dowebalizer >>/dev/null 2>&1

i will set the crontab every 1 hour to execute the shell script on /root/dowebalizer

Here is the cron list explanation  :

  1. minute (0-59),
  2. hour (0-23),
  3. day of the month (1-31),
  4. month of the year (1-12),
  5. day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday).

ooh ya , don’t forget to create the shell script on /root/dowebalizer

vi /root/dowebalizer
use strict;

my @files = </etc/webalizer/*.conf>;

foreach my $file (@files) {
        system("/usr/local/bin/webalizer -c $file");


Jan 06


What is Nictool ?

NicTool is a free DNS management suite that takes all the headaches out of managing DNS. It includes an attractive web interface for users, admins, and clients to access and update their DNS zone data as well as a rich API for provisioning systems to interact with. All zone data is stored in MySQL and is extracted by export scripts to the DNS server of choice (tinydns, BIND, PowerDNS).

Updates are all parsed for validity before being accepted. All changes are logged and it’s easy to determine who made any given change, and when. Permissions are extremely granular. You can delegate permission for a zone to another user, or group of users. You can even delegate only specific zone records to other users or groups. You can grant others permission to publish to your DNS servers, but not the ability to alter them.

NicTool is the holy grail of DNS management packages. It works great for managing one zone, or a million of them.

 System Requirement

– apache

– mod_perl

– perl modules

– DNS (TinyDNS or BIND)


There will be 2 part of NIctool that we need to install NictoolServer and NictoolClient, please go to http://nictool.com/download/ ,  register and download the free option.

Let’s start install the perl module through CPAN

  # perl -MCPAN -e shell
  cpan> install LWP
  cpan> install RPC::XML
  cpan> install SOAP::Lite
  cpan> install DBI
  cpan> install DBD::mysql
  cpan> install Apache2::SOAP

Download the Nictool sources on http://www.nictool.com/download/ , register and download it

1. unzip the package

# tar -zxvf NicTool-2.07.tgz

there will be 2 packet the nictool client and nictoolserver

– NicToolServer-2.07.tar.gz

– NicToolClient-2.07.tar.gz

Install the NicToolClient

2. unzip the NictoolClient package

# tar -zxvf NicToolClient-2.07.tar.gz

3. go to NicToolClient-2.07 folder and install the perl modules

# cd NicToolClient-2.0

# perl Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete…
Looks good
Writing Makefile for NicToolClient

common error :

#perl Makefile.PL
WARNING: LICENSE is not a known parameter.
Checking if your kit is complete…
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite RPC::XML 1 not found.
Warning: prerequisite SOAP::Lite 0 not found.
‘LICENSE’ is not a known MakeMaker parameter name.
Writing Makefile for NicToolClient
 the error means that we need to instal perl module RPC::XML and SOAP::Lite

# perl -MCPAN -e shell
  cpan> install RPC::XML
  cpan> install SOAP::Lite

Then after there is no error you can start make install
# make install clean

4 .Move the distribution to your own httpd virtual domain ( in my case it is on /home/lineabsolute.com/public_html/ ) and rename it to NicToolClient

# mv NicToolClient-2.07 /home/line.com/public_html/

# cd  /home/lineabsolute.com/public_html/

# mv NicToolClient-2.07 NicToolClient

 5. Configure Apache httpd.conf ( /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf )

# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

    # force a https connection
    ServerName test.com
    Redirect permanent / https://test.com/

    ServerName test.com
    Alias /images/ "/home/line.com/public_html/NicToolClient/htdocs/images/"
    DocumentRoot /home/line.com/public_html/NicToolClient/htdocs
    DirectoryIndex index.cgi
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/postfix/ssl/smtpd.key

    <Files "*.cgi">
      SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
       PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
       Options +ExecCGI

    <Directory "/home/line.com/public_html/NicToolClient/htdocs">
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

 6. Configure nictoolclient.conf

#vi /home/line.com/public_html/NicToolClient/lib/nictoolclient.conf

changes $NicToolClient::app_dir     =     into your httpd virtual directory path , in my case it is

    $NicToolClient::app_dir     = ‘/home/line.com/public_html/NicToolClient’;
7. Restart the Apache

# service httpd restart

Install the NicToolServer

1.Unzip the NicToolServer package that we have already download

# tar zxvf NicToolServer-2.07.tar.gz

2. Install dependencies

NicTool requires that Apache and mod_perl be installed. There’s a brief which Apache discussion here.

cd  NicToolServer-2.07
perl Makefile.PL
make deps

The ‘make deps’ target will install the required perl modules via ports on FreeBSD/Darwin and via CPAN on everything else. If ports are unavailable, CPAN is used.

 3.Install the perl modules:

#make install clean

4.Move the distribution to your own httpd virtual domain ( in my case it is on /home/line.com/public_html/ ) and rename it to NicToolServer

# mv NicToolServer-2.07 /home/line.com/public_html/

# cd  /home/line.com/public_html/

# mv NicToolServer-2.07 NicToolClient

5.Configure Apache httpd.conf ( /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ), add this below the nictoolclient httpd config

<IfDefine !MODPERL2>
   PerlFreshRestart On
PerlTaintCheck Off

Listen 8082

PerlRequire /home/line.com/public_html/NicToolServer/nictoolserver.conf
PerlRequire /home/line.com/public_html/NicToolClient/lib/nictoolclient.conf

    KeepAlive Off
    <Location />
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlResponseHandler NicToolServer
    <Location /soap>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlResponseHandler Apache2::SOAP
        # /ATTENTION
        PerlSetVar dispatch_to "/home/line.com/public_html/NicToolServer, NicToolServer::SOAP"

6. Create MySQL database and permissions.

#cd /home/line.com/public_html/NicToolServer/sql
#perl create_tables.pl

7.Configure nictoolserver.conf

 – remove the comment of use Apache2::SOAP;  line 21

– set the mysql username, dbname, password on line 49 -51

  $NicToolServer::db               =
  $NicToolServer::db_user      =
  $NicToolServer::db_pass     =

8.Restart Apache

#service httpd restart


Now you can access it using your root username and password that you created when you run perl create_tables.pl

 Screen captures :



First page after login

Create zone

Create Nameserver

Create new user